Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Non Fiction Blogpost

How many times do you think you enter a password everyday? Two, maybe three? Well you might not realize it, but the average person may enter a password for any account about thirty nine times each day! Amazing right? Now imagine having to remember and type in a few different passwords THIRTY NINE times a day! Does it make you feel under pressure or maybe a little worried that you might forget  them all? That's why Motorola (now owned by google) has created something that could potentially solve all of you password problems!

Picture this- a pill that you could swallow once every day so that passwords could be made easy. Although it may sound like science fiction, this is exactly what Motorola has created. This pill would react will your stomach acids and send out signals to the computer, So that you wouldn't have to type in any of  your passwords. Doesn't sound convenient?

Think about what this new pill could do  for the future. So far things have been made such as voice recognition, fingerprint recognition, and face recognition. However, this new password technology seems to be far more advanced. As this technology grows,  humanity will have become a lot more efficient thanks to this new "password pill".

Although I  think this new pill is a great idea, I question it. Is this pill really safe to be eaten every day? Has it been tested? How do we know that it could have very negative effects on our bet? These are some of the reasons I think that this password pill should be more developed and adapted to our bodies. Over all, I think that this is an invention that, when further developed, could cause some major change in our community!